Photo Workshops

Professional Wildflower Photography Excursions
For the professional photographer, we offer a two-day package. Day one will allow you to scout sites, take index shots and determine your shooting schedule for the next day. Your shoot will start before dawn and end after sunset to allow you to use both golden hours.
Bring your photographic equipment, backpack and GPS, and Windwalker will provide for all of your other needs. We will arrange for photography and use permits on your behalf. Lunch is catered by AJ’s Fine Foods. Our cooler will be stocked with your choice of beverages and snacks. Hotel accommodations convenient to your photography shoot can be made through Windwalker Expeditions to minimize time lost to transportation.
Windwalker Expeditions Photography Guides will take you deep into the desert in a 4W drive vehicle to photograph perfect specimens in their natural habitat within spectacular landscapes. Send a list of the species that you are most interested in shooting and we will select locations where those plants are flowering, or let us know that Landscapes are your goal and we will show you a variety of locations to photograph. You choose your shot, we find it and bring you to it.
Arizona, Utah Photography Trips
These photo trips are offered as multi-day van or luxury motor home excursions and the choices are endless. We will make the trip a journey, stopping along the way to take advantage of the myriad photographic opportunities. Lodging can be arranged to your taste or we can enjoy the scenic Arizona night sky wherever we choose to park our motorhome. We can travel to well known sites like Monument Valley, Canyon De Chelly, and Antelope Canyon just to name a few, but we love to go to places that are not so well known. Just ask your guide to help you find these hidden jewels. Below you can find examples of several of our most popular itineraries.
Cedar Mesa Fire House
Cedar Mesa offers hikers and photographers endless vistas, solitude, and a chance to understand what daily life was like for the Ancestral Pueblo Indians (the Anasazi) who called this area home. Here we will find a multitude of spectaular cliff dwellings that were built and occupied by the Ancestral Puebloans who flourished in this region from approximately 700-1300 AD.
The "Wupatki pueblos" are located north of Flagstaff, Arizona, they contain many well preserved Sinagua and Ancestral Puebloan ruins at the edge of the Painted Desert. In the early 13th century all the settlements were abandoned, as were most other villages in this part of the Southwest, although it is believed that some of the present day Hopi are descended from the former inhabitants of the Wupatki pueblos.
Walnut Canyon
Evidence of human use at Walnut Canyon> can be traced back over 2,000 years. Based on ceramic analysis and tree ring dates, most Sinagua sites in the area date from 1100 to 1225 AD. The Sinagua abandoned the Walnut Canyon area between 800 and 1100 AD, then returned to build most of the cliff dwellings and occupy the area for the next 200 years. A similar pattern at Wupatki is explained by the eruption of nearby Sunset Crater Valcano.
The ruins are best photographed in the morning or late afternoon when the light is at its best. Photographing these prehistoric dwellings can be a very rewarding experience. This is wild and fragile country so we must always take care to preserve the historic value of the area........... Leave only boot prints, and take only photos.